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⚠️ For more information on this tool please checkout Ansible plugin repository.


Example bitops.config.yaml, minimum required:#

    cli: {}
    options: {}

Example complete bitops.config.yaml:#

    main-playbook: playbook.yaml
    extra-vars: "@extra-vars.json"
    flush-cache: true
    force-handlers: true
    forks: 20
    inventory: beta
    skip-tags: ignore-this-tag
    tags: run-with-this-tag
    dryrun: false
    verbosity: 0
    skip-deploy: false

CLI configuration#

CLI configuration is used to pass in CLI parameters to the ansible-playbook command.

Parameter Environment Variable Type Required Default Description
main-playbook BITOPS_ANSIBLE_MAIN_PLAYBOOK string yes playbook.yaml Specify which playbook to run ansible-playbook with
extra-vars BITOPS_ANSIBLE_EXTRA_VARS string Add additional ansible playbook parameters directly or load via JSON/YAML file.
flush-cache BITOPS_ANSIBLE_FLUSH_CACHE boolean Clear the fact cache for every host in inventory.
force-handlers BITOPS_ANSIBLE_FORCE_HANDLERS boolean Clear the fact cache for every host in inventory.
forks BITOPS_ANSIBLE_FORKS integer Specify number of parallel processes to use.
inventory BITOPS_ANSIBLE_INVENTORY string Specify inventory host path or comma separated host list.
skip-tags BITOPS_ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS string Only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values.
tags BITOPS_ANSIBLE_TAGS string Only run plays and tasks tagged with these values.
dryrun BITOPS_ANSIBLE_DRYRUN boolean Don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur.

Options Configuration#

Options configurations are used to export variables without using the CLI generation or for any advanced logic that is not supported by the Ansible CLI.

Parameter Environment Variable Type Required Default Description
skip-deploy ANSIBLE_SKIP_DEPLOY boolean If set to "true", regardless of the stack-action, deployment actions will be skipped.
verbosity BITOPS_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY integer Equivalent to adding -verbose or repeating -v flags. Will override [default] verbosity= setting in ansible.cfg. Acceptable values 0\|1\|2\|3\|4.