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Default Environment#

There are instances where configuration or variable files should be shared between environments. Instead of duplicating common files across different environments, the _default environment can be used instead.

Suppose we are working with an operations repo that is exlusviely terraform. We have a production and test environment that have the same HCL, but different input variables between the two. This is a great candidate for the _default environment. The common configuration can be put in the _default/ environment directory instead of in both production/ and test/ environments:

├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       └──
├── production
│   └── terraform
│       └── bitops.config.yaml
│       └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        └── bitops.config.yaml
When $BITOPS_ENVIRONMENT is set to production, _default/ will be merged into production/ at runtime to produce a directory structure that looks this way:
├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       └──
├── production
│   └── terraform
│       └── bitops.config.yaml
│       └──
│       └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        └── bitops.config.yaml

Things get more complex when files that exist in both the _default and active environment share the same name. This is why we have file mergers.

File Mergers TODO#

Different files have different behvaviors based on the file extension + the deployment tool. Some files can be merged together, others can't. This behavior is defined below.

.tf (HCL) Handling#

Files that only exist in the _default environment will be copied over.

.tf files from the _default environment that share its name and path with a file in the active environment will both be in the resulting directory with the active environment name having a suffix added to it.


Before default merge:

├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        └── bitops.config.yaml
After default merge:
├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        └── bitops.config.yaml
        └── # This comes from default/terraform/
This is accomplished with an rsync operation
rsync -ab --suffix ".${ENV_DIR}.tf" --include="*/" --include="*.tf" --exclude="*"  $DEFAULT_DIR/ $ENV_DIR/

.sh Handling#

Files that only exist in the _default environment will be copied over.

.sh files from the _default environment that share its name and path with a file in the active environment will not be copied over.


Before default merge

├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       ├── bitops.after-deploy.d
│       │   └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        └── bitops.config.yaml
After default merge
├── _default
│   └── terraform
│       ├── bitops.after-deploy.d
│       │   └──
└── test
    └── terraform
        ├── bitops.after-deploy.d
        │   └── # Copied from default/terraform/bitops.after-deploy.d/

General .yaml/.yml#

Files that only exist in the _default environment will be copied over.

Files from the _default environment that share its name and path will be merged.

values.yaml (Helm)#

Helm has built in support for merging multiple values.yaml files. BitOps will look for files in the following locations and pass them in to helm with the -f in the same order they are found:

  1. Active environment's values.yaml
  2. Default environment's values.yaml
  3. Active environment's values-versions.yaml
  4. Default environment's values-versions.yaml
  5. Any yaml in active environment's $chart/values-files/ directory
  6. Any yaml in default environment's $chart/values-files/ directory


The following operations repo structure

├── _default
│   └── helm
│       └── my-first-chart
│           ├── values-files
│           │   └── my-first-chart-default-values.yaml
│           ├── values-versions.yaml
│           └── values.yaml
└── test
    └── helm
        ├── bitops.config.yaml
        └── my-first-chart
            ├── values-files
            │   └── my-first-chart-values.yaml
            ├── values-versions.yaml
            └── values.yaml
Will produce the following helm install command
helm install \
my-first-chart \
-f test/helm/my-first-chart/values.yaml \
-f default/helm/my-first-chart/values.yaml \
-f test/helm/my-first-chart/values-versions.yaml \
-f default/helm/my-first-chart/values-versions.yaml \
-f test/helm/my-first-chart/values-files/my-first-chart-values.yaml \
-f default/helm/my-first-chart/values-files/my-first-chart-default-values.yaml