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⚠️ Note from the developers: We are currently in the process of moving our documentation and so the below documentation is only partially correct. For more information on this tool please checkout our plugin documentation.


Example bitops.config.yaml#

    validate-cfn: true
    stack-action: deploy
    cfn-stack-name: bitops-edgelambda-test
    capabilities: CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
      template-file: template.yaml
        enabled: true
        template-param-file: parameters.json

CLI Configuration#

Property Environmental Variable Description Default Required
validate-cfn FN_TEMPLATE_VALIDATION Calls aws cloudformation validate-template true
stack-action CFN_STACK_ACTION Controls what CloudFormation action to apply on the stack deploy

Options Configuration#

Property Environmental Variable Description Default Required
cfn-stack-name CFN_STACK_NAME Cloudformation stack name null
capabilities CFN_CAPABILITY Allows you to use CloudFormation nested stacks. Both properties must be set in order to use nested stacks. null
cfn-s3-bucket CFN_TEMPLATE_S3_BUCKET null
cfn-s3-prefix CFN_S3_PREFIX null
cfn-merge-parameters Cloudformation capabilities


BitOps Property: cfn-files

Allows for param files to be used. Has the following child-properties

Property Environmental Variable Description Default Required
cfn-files.template-file Template file to apply the params against
cfn-files.parameters Additional parameters.
cfn-files.parameters.enabled CFN_PARAMS_FLAG true
cfn-files.parameters.template-param-file CFN_TEMPLATE_PARAMS_FILENAME null
cfn-merge-parameters Allows for param files to be used. Has the following child-properties
cfn-files.enabled CFN_MERGE_PARAMETER True if optional option should be used. false CFN_MERGE_DIRECTORY The directory within the ansible workspace that contains json files that will be merged. parameters

Although not captured in bitops.config.yaml, the following environment variables can be set to further customize the behavior

Environmental Variable Description
CFN_SKIP_DEPLOY Will skill all CloudFormation executions. This supersedes all other configuration